Category Archives: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Episode 3…what can I say? Am I a fan yet? Not really. Am I surprised I have watched this far? Absolutely. Will I continue watching? Probably.

Princess Celestia sends Twilight Sparkle 2 tickets to this fancy-pants shindig and she can’t decide who she wants to take. I’d hate to not spoil the ending, so here goes: they all receive their gold tickets. I know, a complete shocker.

The Review
To be honest, this episode was really cliched and, frankly, really boring. Three steps forward and two steps back, I suppose. At this point the show was still aimed at children, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
I have a confession to make… In the last My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic post I said Fluttershy was my favorite character. I fibbed (do people still say that?). Fluttershy’s bunny Angel is now my favorite character. I mean, look at the picture below.


Another post soon to come.

MLP:FIM – S1E1 Part1&2

Okay, so I was completely off about this show. Honestly, the writing is more intelligent than I thought. After doing a bit of research, I realized the lady who produces and writes for this show also produced The Powerpuff Girls (my favorite childhood cartoon) and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. I think that’s reason enough to watch it. In order to form a valid opinion, I decided to watch and write about the first two episodes rather than the one. And, well, because the pilot is a two parter.

Twilight Sparkle is researching the history of Equestria and discovers that the evil Nightmare Moon will rise on the 1,000th anniversary of The Summer Sun Celebration. She sends her findings to The Princess, but is quickly dismissed. The Princess then sends her on a journey to prepare the festival and make friends. Eventually, Nightmare Moon is released and chaos ensues.

The Review
As mentioned above, I was really surprised by the sophistication of the show. I originally thought the characters would use short, easily comprehensible, toddler-like words that my 3 year old cousin could understand. I’m not saying they used phrases like “Princess Celestia was clement *DING* toward her sister, Nightmare Moon”, but it was enough to surprise me. Some children’s shows I’ve seen, make me feel like the writers are talking down to the viewers. This is different.

Now, let me leave you with a list of the 3 things I enjoyed the most:
• Pinkie Pie’s musical number (that sh*t goes hard)
• Fluttershy stopping the lion-scorpion-thing
• The way the artists draw facial expression. Like ohmygod adorable.

Look for another review soon.

Let’s watch: Friendship is Magic

Dear readers,

In order to keep myself entertained, I have decided to take on TWO projects. Both of these projects are a “Let’s Watch” or “Following”, in which I watch a TV series and blog about each episode, give my top ten, rant, and so on. For more information about followings and let’s watch ventures, please read my Let’s watch: Battlestar Galactica post. My first following is Battlestar Galactica, which can also be view in the aforementioned post. Without futher ado, the next series I plan to take on is going to be – WAIT FOR IT – My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Didn’t see that coming did you? Well, unless you read the title of this post…

I blame peer pressure.

Insert death whiny here,

J. Rigs