Tag Archives: Resident Evil

Resident Evil: Retribution – A Review

Alice returns to the Umbrella headquarters after an explosion in the last movie (Resident Evil: Afterlife) renders her unconscious. In this movie, she is forced to duke it out with The Red Queen with the help of an unlikely friend…

T-minus 2 hours until the bomb explodes and 1 hour 36 minutes until the end of the movie. Coincidence?
Like all Resident Evil movies, this one is full of action and semi-decent acting. Also, two groups of people must meet up and escape together. A great video game series that became a good movie series while still keeping the “video game vibe”.

Technically speaking, I whole heartedly enjoyed the special effects and crazy fighting sequences. Anyone can argue Alice does a superb job at kicking butt. Props to the stunt actors involved in these movies.
The slow-mo intro credits were no slouch either. It had been a year or two since the last movie, so showing the last few minutes of Resident Evil: Afterlife helped me to remember what had happened. I don’t what movie it is, rewinding an action sequence in slow motion always looks cool. A great way to entice and educate first time Resident Evil viewers.

There is, however, a weak point in this movie. The “emotional drawl” is absolutely ridiculous. SPOILER ALERT

Overall, Resident Evil: Retribution is a stressful movie. Common “cheesy” lines or actions give the movie the same feeling as playing the video game(s); enjoyable for some. A must see for RE fans, but a pass for the common action movie goer. 3/5 stars.